drawer of himbos, cowboys, and damsels

commission info
prices vary depending on amount of detail
base $40
additional character +$20
add complex background +$15
DM me anywhere, email me, or click the button to get started
terms of service
by commissioning me, you are accepting my terms of service
# 1 ) commissions are for personal use only. price for commercial use can be negotiated# 2 ) commissions take time dependent on the amount of detail needed, up to/around a week for a simple character commission, and around/up to a month for full renders# 3 ) refunds/cancellations are ONLY possible during the sketching phase# 4 ) revisions can be made during the sketch phase only. if i have to do major revisions after lineart/coloring/rendering i will charge for the associated time spent fixing it
will not draw:
fetish art, crazy mechas/armor without a lot of references, weird bigotry shit